Eagle Shadow Fist 1973

Action Drama War

Historical movie, set during the Japanese occupation of China during WWII, in which a group of Chinese rebels tries to oust the Japanese forces from a small town. Jackie Chan is one of the ...

Alle Titel
  • HK: Ding tian li di Ding tian li di
  • BG: Юмрук на гнева Юмрук на гнева
  • FI: Kotka iskee Kotka iskee
  • FR: Les coolies en ont ras le bol Les coolies en ont ras le bol
  • DE: Eagle Shadow Fist Eagle Shadow Fist
  • GR: Jackie Chan: Oi grothies mou stazoun aima Jackie Chan: Oi grothies mou stazoun aima
  • HK: Not Scared to Die Not Scared to Die
  • HU: A sas árnyékában A sas árnyékában
  • HU: Halálos sas árnyéka Halálos sas árnyéka
  • IT: Il segreto della palma d'acciaio Il segreto della palma d'acciaio
  • JP: Return to China Return to China
  • PT: É Urgente Matá-los Todos É Urgente Matá-los Todos
  • US: Eagle Shadow Fist Eagle Shadow Fist
  • US: Fist of Anger Fist of Anger
  • HK: Fist of Anger Fist of Anger
Release 12 Jan 1973
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